Questionnaires & Surveys
While I strive to work toward a more fair and just system of government that works for all Arizonans, not just the wealthy and well-connected, there are various interest groups throughout the state who have requested information from me regarding my policies and platform position. I do not believe in saying one thing in public, and telling special interests and entrenched influencers what they want to hear behind closed doors. In the interest of transparency, I am making available my survey responses to these groups for all interested people to read and scrutinize.
Candidate Survey - Arizona Health Service Providers (.docx)
Candidate Survey - Arizona Social Workers (.docx)
Candidate Survey - Market Freedom Alliance (.docx)
Candidate Survey - Family Physicians (.docx)
Candidate Survey - Arizona Truckers (.docx)
Candidate Survey - Arizona Tax Preparers (.pdf)
Candidate Survey - Arizona Charter Schools (.docx)
Candidate Survey - Gun Violence Prevention Arizona (.docx)
Candidate Survey - The Arizona Republic (.docx)
Candidate Pledge - Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence (.pdf)
Please also find attached links to public speeches and other events where I have spoken.
Transcript of Speech to the Pima County Board of Supervisors, June 21, 2016 (.docx)
Op-Ed submitted to Occupy Tucson Citizen on the Two-Party System (.docx)
Transcript of Speech to the Pima County Board of Supervisors, August 2, 2016 (.docx)
Prepared Statement for the Pima County Board of Supervisors, August 15, 2016 (.docx)
Essay on the Regulation of Retail Energy Providers & Rooftop Solar (.docx)